Intelligence Games For Dogs

Intelligence games for dogs

Just as we take care that our furry friend gets enough physical activity, we must not forget that he also exercises his brain.

For this there are numerous intelligence games for dogs that aim for the animal to solve problems and thus obtain a reward.

Objective: stimulate the intelligence of your dog

collected cats and dogs

As you can imagine, in pet stores you will find a wide variety of options. But, with a little imagination, a few elements and a lot of good will, you can also generate different intelligence games for your dog yourself.

Ideally, you should start with something simple and increase the difficulty as your dog solves each challenge you propose.

This type of proposal will allow your four-legged friend to:

  • Increase your resolution skills and your memory.
  • Be motivated.
  • Avoid boredom.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Do not present behavioral problems.

 Some options of intelligence games for dogs

For your pet to exercise his mind in a satisfactory way, it is essential that he have fun. Learning by playing is usually the best way to incorporate skills and knowledge. And this is true for both humans and animals.

Step by step, and with a lot of patience, then, try to make your dog understand the mechanics of the different proposals.

The idea is to reward him for each advance – with some food he likes or simply with words of praise and caresses – and not to pressure him if he cannot quickly solve the challenge we pose.

Here are some examples of games to exercise your dog’s brain.

1. Obstacle course

The objective of this game is for the puppy to go through a series of objects until he gets a prize, which can be a treat he particularly likes. Then:

  • Create a barrier on the floor by putting together, for example, two reclining chairs or other types of furniture.
  • At one end of the barrier, place the treat, while your dog watches from the opposite end.
  • Let your pet find a way to reach his reward, either by going around or going over or under the objects that get in his way.

Remember that, as your dog solves the challenge, you have to incorporate more obstacles to increase the difficulty of the game.

In addition, through this exercise, you will be able to determine if your dog is suitable for sports such as agility.

2. Hideout

In this case, hide a food that your pet likes somewhere in your house and have him look for it.

As he finds his prize, you can increase the number of places for him to search. If you have a garden, terrace or patio, it is ideal that you expand the search area to those spaces.

dogs scratch the ground

3. Trilero

  • Get goblets or similar objects big enough that your pet can’t swallow them.
  • Start the game with a single cup in which you will hide a food or treat.
  • When your dog understands the dynamics of the game, start incorporating cups so that he discovers under which or which containers are the prizes.

    Another way to introduce him to this exercise is by using a muffin tin or similar. There you place the prizes in some of the holes and cover them all with balls, so that your puppy can discover under which balls there is a reward.

    4. Hunting the stuffed animal

    In this case:

    • Tie a string or string to the end of a stick. At the end of the rope, tie a stuffed animal or similar.
    • Hide behind a door or wall and put the doll on the ground so your dog can see it.
    • When the object catches his attention, he begins to maneuver the stick to prevent the animal from easily catching “its prey.”

    You can also replace the toy with some food tied to the string.

    A mentally stimulated dog is a happy animal

    Keep in mind that a  dog with an active mind will be a happier animal.

    In addition, by stimulating their intelligence you will surely avoid:

    • Several destruction at home.
    • Excess barking.
    • Exaggerated dependence.
    • Jealousy.

    So do not deprive your pet of the possibility of learning by playing and have a good time together.

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