Learn About The Different Seeds For Birds

There is a huge variety of bird seeds that are suitable for your pet’s nutrition; The most important thing, in any case, is to take into account the preferences and nutritional requirements of each type of bird.
Learn about the different seeds for birds

The seeds, along with other foods such as fruits and vegetables, are a fundamental part of the feeding of birds. If you have a pet bird, you are dedicated to raising it or you simply want to learn more about birds, in this article we give you some information that will allow you to know more about seeds for birds.

You must bear in mind that each bird is different and that, likewise, there are several types of seeds for birds, so it is necessary to choose the right ones in order for their diet to be optimal and their life healthy.

Depending on their species, birds must consume a specific type of seed or combinations of these. In veterinarians and specialized stores you will find a variety of seeds to choose the one your bird needs, according to its characteristics, type and conditions. It should be taken into account that the nutrients of each seed are different.

To know the type of seed that each bird needs, the first thing is to know the needs of each species. For example, canaries can only feed on seeds. However, other birds such as parrots or pigeons need pieces of vegetables and fruits so that their diet is complete and balanced.

Homemade food for your parrot

Type of bird seeds                              

According to experts, these are the types of seeds for birds and their composition :

  • Birdseed: it is oval in shape, bright yellow and pointed. It is what all birds usually eat for nutrition and also for entertainment. They are low in fat and high in starch.
  • Millet : its shape is rounded and easy to recognize. It is essential in the feeding of small birds such as parakeets, although the larger ones tend to ignore it. During the rearing stage it is possible that many birds reject this seed, in which case the panizo would have to be used.
  • Sunflower : there are three types of seeds, which are white, striped and black. Granivorous birds prefer small striped ones, while parrots prefer white ones. They are the favorite food of domestic birds. However, you have to control the amount a lot, since they have a high fat content that usually causes overweight, especially if the bird does not leave the cage much to exercise.
  • Hemp: if you want to give your bird the best hemp seed, choose the one that has a grayish-bronze color, with a slight greenish touch. Thanks to its high content of oils and vitamin E, it is a perfect food for canaries, especially if you have them for breeding.
    • Flax: it is the perfect food to make the plumage of birds shine like never before. Especially, it is a type of seed that must be given to the bird when it is in its feather change season.
    • Poppy: It is easy to recognize because it is shaped like a kidney. Generally, they like almost all birds, especially small granivorous species.
    • Oats: an excellent option for birds that are in the process of rearing, since they are easy to digest. Generally, they are preferred by small birds, but also by some large specimens.

    Birdseed for canaries

    Uses of birdseed

    Bird seeds are the most common food for these animals. Therefore, you must choose them very well, depending on the type of bird in question. Each species has different preferences and tastes. Remember these recommendations to know which is the right seed for your bird:

    • Cardinals, small or large finches, and finches prefer black-shelled sunflower seeds. Small finches also like shelled sunflower seeds and thistles.
    • Other birds such as chickadees, blue tit, nuthatches, and woodpeckers prefer black-shelled sunflower seeds and peeled peanuts, cut in half.
    • Birds that feed on land, such as reeds, sparrows, scratchers, and pigeons, like to feed on common millet.
    • There are other birds, such as hummingbirds, that, more than the seeds, prefer the nectar that is in them.
    • In any case, you must observe what the behavior of the birds is while they feed. This way you will be able to know what their preferences are and which seeds they like the most and which suit them best.

      Birds are excellent company. As pets they are very easy to have and maintain. A good diet is essential in its care, hence it is necessary to know which seeds are better and more nutritious.

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