Learn All About The Release Order

This command is as or more important than the word used to start training a dog; means the session is over and you can be free to obey
Know all about the release order

Training a dog is not an easy task, but thanks to professionals and ‘San Internet’, today we have many tools that help us achieve this end. One of them is the release order, which we want to talk about in this article.

What is the release order

Just like when we try to teach our dog commands, we have a word or phrase that we want him to relate to the command that we want him to obey, the animal will need a word or short phrase that tells him that the training is over and that he can now feel free .

It is something similar to the effect that the clicker has on cats, which makes them understand that they have placed an order correctly and that they will receive their reward. In this case, there is no clicking , but a short word will do the same so that the dog understands that we have already concluded the training and that he will have his prize.

If the release command is not used by making the dog understand that an exercise has ended, this could lead to various problems such as the dog having to decide when it ends. This fact can influence the animal to believe that it is he who makes the decisions, and in the next training he will decide at any time that the time has come to conclude.

Obedience in dogs

Or, on the contrary, the animal could remain in a position of discipline when thus an unnecessary tension and constant stress situation. Being aware of this, either finishing or being alert, it is possible that it does not stabilize the actions learned and that the work has not served for anything.

How to teach your dog the release command

Once we have understood the seriousness of the matter, and we understand that the release order is as important as any training order, it is necessary that we learn to use it to start doing it right now, if we have not done it before.

Teach him an order

In order to use the release order we must be training our pet in some way. That is, teaching him a command such as stay, lie down or give me.


Confirmation is the second step. When we have achieved that our dog understands the order that we wanted him to fulfill and he has done so, we can make him learn a word such as ‘very well’ or ‘well done’, which will give him to understand that his posture is correct.

Confirmation order


Now comes the key step, freeing the dog from the pressure of obedience. The steps to follow to teach this order are the same as any other order, but in this case it will imply a reward.

We have to choose a short and understandable word that we can pronounce fluently and firmly but without being abrupt. Many choose the expression ‘free’ or ‘worth’ to liberate the animal. We will have to practice several times until our pet understands that the training is over.

One practical way that works is to start your training with one word. In the same way that the animal can understand when we say that we are going to eat or to the street, we could make it understand the word begin or start so that it relates it to training. This will help you relate that the word you started with requires one to end with.

Every time your dog understands the release order, give him a treat, so he will see that he has acted well and that he can continue with his normal life without being under the pressure of the orders.

As you can see, the release order is as or more important than the training because it will allow the dog to relax and strengthen its bond with you, since it will understand that there is a time for everything.

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