My Dog ​​has Too Much Appetite

That your furry one devours everything in its path and does not stop demanding food from you is, without a doubt, something normal. The reasons why a dog has too much appetite can be diverse and with different degrees of severity. We tell you some details.

Possible causes why a dog has too much appetite

Author: Fernando Dall’Acqua

Among the main causes why a dog is excessively hungry, we can point out :

  • A diet that doesn’t meet your nutritional needs
  • Internal parasites
  • Diseases
  • Not getting enough physical activity
  • That copy bad attitudes of their owners
  • Areas in the environment

Consultation with the veterinarian is essential to detect current problems or prevent future problems due to excess feeding.

The reasons why a dog has too much appetite can be varied. Your vet will surely help you identify the causes and find ways to fix this problem.

How should be the right diet for your furry

An adequate diet for your dog must cover its nutritional needs according to:

  • Age
  • Size
  • Weight
  • Activities that it develops

An animal nutritionist can help you determine the best way to feed your furry at each stage of his life, whether you choose to feed him balanced food or homemade food.

The truth is that if you do not give it the right ration according to the characteristics of your furry dog, it will remain hungry and will demand more food. For example, if the dog spends a lot of energy in games and walks, it will need more food than indicated on the feed bag, which is a general indication.

More exercise and fewer snacks between meals

On the other hand, if your furry does not develop enough physical activity, he will surely make up for that lack of exercise and play by eating. And from there to obesity there is a step. Keep in mind that, according to information released by the World Association of Small Animal Veterinarians, the excess weight of the owners is being transferred to the pets.

So, if your habits are sedentary, don’t pass them on to your four-legged friend. What’s more, get excited about the idea of ​​taking a walk and playing outdoors with your dog. Thus, both of you will be healthier.

Also, if you are one of those who peck between meals and you are always chewing a sandwich, keep in mind that your furry will want to imitate you and will not stop claiming his share of the loot every time he sees you put food in your mouth.

Tricks so that your dog does not eat excessively

So, as the ideal is that your furry eats the appropriate amount of food distributed in the times indicated by the veterinarian, and thus avoid the “extras”, it is convenient that:

  • Keep it away from the kitchen when you are preparing food.
  • Do not allow him to claim part of dinner or lunch when the family sits at the table.
  • Instead of spoiling him with snacks at any time of the day, better offer him a toy to entertain him. Or play with it for a while.

When excess appetite appears suddenly

Sometimes the causes of excessive hunger can be due to some health problems, especially if the voracious appetite appears suddenly.

Your furry may have intestinal parasites, or be suffering, for example:

  • Hormonal problems
  • Diabetes
  • Pancreatic insufficiency
  • Kidney malfunction

Other causes that can unleash your furry hunger

In some cases, if the dog suddenly has too much appetite, it may be due to changes in the family environment. The arrival of a baby or the adoption of a new pet usually cause jealousy and trigger reactions in your furry such as breaking things, urinating anywhere or… gobbling up everything that comes close to it.

These behavioral disorders can be corrected with patience and care. Keep in mind that the vet will know how to advise you properly on these issues as well.

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