Pug Dogs, The Best Dog For Me

Pug dogs, the best dog for me

Are you looking for a breed of dog that suits your needs and preferences? Choosing a partner for so many years is not an easy task. Thus, we must pay close attention to its characteristics. In this article we will tell you about pug dogs, little ones full of love.

Origins and description of pug dogs

Although this breed was created in China, it was in the United Kingdom that it became most famous. Its name derives from the word “pugg”, which is used for loving and playful beings. The term “Carlino” (another name) is due to the fact that there was an Italian actor known as “Carlin” who played a Harlequin in the Parisian theater. The appearance of his character was reminiscent of the characteristic black mask of pug dogs.

pug dog eating

Their direct relatives are larger dogs such as the Pekingese (both breeds are favorites in Tibetan monasteries). It is believed that Dutch merchants brought them from the East to Europe, and from there the breed spread to England and France mainly.

Since their foray into this continent, pug dogs were considered “luxury”. It was because they accompanied the aristocracy and the most important characters in history. Among them were Marie Antoinette, the Marchioness of Pompadour, the Dukes of Windsor and Josephine Bonaparte. In modern times they became famous for starring in several movies and television series (for example “The Adventures of ChatrĂ¡n”, “Pocahontas” and “Men in Black”).

Regarding the physique of this breed, we can highlight that it is a small, muscular and well-proportioned dog (although its head is large in relation to the body). The face is covered with folds, it has a square muzzle, large dark eyes and two types of ears: “button” (folded forward) or “pink” (folded back).

The Pug’s hair is soft, shiny, and tight. It has two variants in terms of color: silver or apricot. The black mask or mask is typical. The tail is spiral shaped with one or two turns. It can weigh between 6 and 10 kg and measure 30 to 40 cm.

Behavior and character of pug dogs

It is undoubtedly a particular breed not only in aesthetic matters. The official motto of this canine is “Multum in parvo” (which means “a lot in a little”). The pug is very affectionate and loves to play at all times. You need to be in company constantly and in the case of staying alone you can develop separation anxiety.

It is not recommended to adopt it if there are small children in our house, or if we will spend too many hours outside. This canine demands a lot of attention and if it doesn’t get it, it can even get sick. The Pug is very sociable and gets along well with other dogs and people of any age. She is cheerful and loves to attract attention.

They do not usually tolerate intense games (another reason not to adopt it if we have small children at home). They are easy to socialize, as long as training begins as puppies. Other of their “requirements” are to urge them to exercise every day and play constantly so that they do not get bored and dedicate themselves to destroying furniture or objects.

Pug dog care

Autor: wombatarama
Author: wombatarama

A very important factor when adopting a pet is knowing what the requirements or care are required. In the case of the Pug, brushing is essential between one and two times a week to avoid losing hair.

At the same time, it is necessary that they carry out moderate exercise and daily walks, remembering that their robust structure and flattened snout do not allow them too intense activity. Hot and humid climates are not good for them. In addition, care must be taken with their eyes, because when they are more exposed, they are likely to get hurt.

Wrinkles on the face can accumulate dirt and secretions. With a cotton swab moistened with warm water, they can be cleaned once a week (the same as the eyes). The “button” type ears can carry some problems by accumulating moisture that leads to fungus or infections.

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