Similarities Between Cats And Tigers

It is known to all that cats belong to the feline family, but do you know exactly what characteristics they share with tigers?
Similarities between cats and tigers

That there are similarities between cats and tigers is something that is obvious. There are even cat breeds that look exactly like a small tiger as is the case with the Bengali cat. Well, in addition to their physical characteristics, which are very similar, there are also other traits of their character and personality that are very similar.

Similarities between cats and tigers

They say that cats come from tigers, although we do not know if it is true or not, what we do know is that both species have amazing similarities. Do you want to know what they are? Well, we are going to list them:

Her body

Both the body of the cat and that of the tiger are very similar and both are created for hunting due to their anatomy and flexibility. In addition, they also share a physical characteristic in their fingers, as they have five in the front and four in the back.

This is not an unimportant fact as it gives them agility, momentum and speed, abilities that are very useful when hunting or even fleeing from a predator. These fingers also allow them to walk on tiptoe, as if they were dancers in order to do so in silence and surprise their prey.

The diet

Tiger eating meat.

That that cats drink milk is nothing more than a myth. In fact, your stomach is not ready for it. A cat’s diet is carnivorous just like a tiger’s, and meat or fish should be the main ingredient in its meals.

For example, in stores where they sell precooked cat foods, these usually contain a high content of carbohydrates and vegetables much higher than meat. However, the truth is that none of this nourishes the feline, because like tigers, they need protein from meat or fish.

One of the recommendations that are usually made for cats is to feed them the Barf diet, consisting of a raw diet, with natural foods with which you can create a balance of nutrients.

Mark territory

Although it is dogs that have a reputation for marking territory, cats also do it like all wild cats. None of them like to share what is theirs and they always leave their urinary or fecal imprint so that everyone else understands the ‘this is mine’ message.

Cats feel this same need, although it has been shown that with sterilization this drops considerably.

The schedules

What do you hate when your cat comes to wake you up at dawn and then he spends twenty hours sleeping? Well, do not think that he does it to annoy you, but because as with felines, his hunting hours are at night and at dawn, while the rest of the time they rest.

This is because the natural habitat of tigers, at that time of the night and given the color of their fur, is less likely to be seen. All this, added to their broad sense of vision and hearing, give them the advantage that allows them to move at night.

Tiger at night.

Your DNA

It is obvious that because of many similarities between cats and tigers, they are not entirely the same, so it is not possible that they share their DNA 100%, although they do share 95%, which is why we understand why such an amazing similarity is due.

It seems that the feline with a high percentage of this is the tiger, which shares 95.6% of the DNA with the domestic cat.

The colors

The fur of wild cats and felines is not a coincidence, it is created for camouflage. For this reason there is a wide variety of colors, because depending on the environment in which they live, and although cats do not need camouflage at home, they are prepared for any situation they may face.

These are the most amazing resemblances between cats and tigers, which are caused by very similar DNA. If you have a cat at home, watch it, you will surely learn a lot about the wildest felines.

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