The 7 Rarities Of Dogs

The 7 oddities of dogs

When we observe our dog, we see him do things that surprise us.  We must not forget that although he is better than many people and that we love him like a son, he is an animal and does animal things. But those things, beyond annoying us, make us funny and turn our coexistence with our pet into something very fun. In this post we are going to analyze some of these things.

We will talk about what strange things dogs do, why they do them and if there is any method to take away that mania.

The weird things your dog does

We are sure that when you read this article, you will remember times when you have seen these strange things that your dog does.

dogs scratch the ground

Tossing and turning before going to bed

One of the most common weird things your dog does. This attitude is an “inheritance” from their ancestors, the wolves. Turning over before going to bed (which means letting your guard down) ensures that there is no danger looming around you. It is also a way to “accommodate” your space and make it more comfortable.

We only have to think about the moment when we throw a towel on the beach and lie on it. Sometimes we are not comfortable and we start to move and thus give the sand the desired shape. Well, something similar is why your pet has included this in the strange things that your dog does.

Spin around before pooping

Another weird thing your dog does that doesn’t seem to make sense. But we are sure that after reading the previous paragraph you already know why. This is a “job” for which you have to be calm and relaxed, so the animal wants to make sure that this will be possible.

Scratching the bed to lie down

This is one of the weird things your dog does that seems to have several explanations:

  • The first could be to mark territory, since the legs of the dogs give off a unique smell.
  • The second is to accommodate your bed and shape it.
  • The third, to regulate the temperature. Just like we heat the bed when it’s cold, they do the same with their paws.

Running after bath

Joy. That is the answer to why your dog runs and jumps after bathing. And, although some complain about the bathroom, you cannot help being happy when you feel clean and smelling good. The feeling that we have after a shower is the same that they have and that is their way of expressing it.

His tail is chased

You can’t help but look at him and laugh when he does that. And it is that he does not realize that he will never reach it! Although it is normal for them to do it occasionally, which can be motivated by a small dose of boredom, if the movement is repeated compulsively it may be the result of a disorder. Don’t waste time and take him to the vet.

Move the paw when you touch the belly

We always tend to think that it is the cause of excessive emotion. Nothing more far from reality. Just like we have points where they can’t touch us because of tickling, the same thing happens to your dog. And it is that this movement of his leg is nothing more than a reason that with your caresses you have activated one of his nerves and he is having a tick.

Take food to another room

special food for puppies

This is another of the weird things that your dog does thanks to his ancestors the wolves. And it is that when hunting, they took some food to another place to avoid having to fight with the head of the pack for it. So even if there is no one else in the house to fight over food, your dog will still do this.

If any of these movements become compulsive, do not think about it, take your dog to the vet. If not, keep laughing and enjoying your pet, which will fill your mind with fond memories.

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