The 8 Mistakes Made When Taking Our Dog To The Park

The 8 mistakes made when taking our dog to the park

The park is one of your dog’s favorite places, we are sure. And it is possible that for you it will also be a moment of relaxation. It happens if the area for example is fenced. So you can spend your time reading or relaxing while your dog plays with others.

However, there are several common mistakes that we could make. And also, these could bring us problems with other dogs, with their owners or even with the law. To avoid them, we have decided to write in this article what they are. We will tell you.

The most common mistakes we make with our dog in the park


Not picking up excrement

Although it seems obvious that this is something we should do, it is one of the most common mistakes we make or others make. Think for a moment: if no one picked up your dog’s droppings, could we have a clean park to take our pet to? The answer is obvious.

In addition, only with this slight gesture that does not require any effort, we will be helping to keep the park clean. And of course, also to prevent your dog or those of others from catching diseases.

Not having the dog educated

We are not talking about your dog having to know how to do the somersault in the air, far from it. But it is essential that he knows how to obey orders such as “let go” or “come”.

Thus, in case he is taking something that is not his or bothering another dog or person, you can stop him effortlessly making it easier to stay in the park with others.

Let him exercise in the park

Releasing the dog in the park as soon as you arrive, after having spent hours at home holding back your adrenaline, is not a good idea. Especially if there are already other dogs in it.

You will be in a state of excitement that you will transmit to others and this will cause problems for sure. Therefore, either you take it to do a little exercise before, or you wait for a reasonable time to pass before releasing it.

Don’t stop rude dogs

Dogs do not like being with other unpleasant dogs in the same way that we do not like being with rude people. They do not speak like us, however they communicate through calm signals.

If one of the dogs shows up following canine protocol, and another ignores it, this could lead to a fight that you have a duty to stop, for the good of your pet and those of others.

Don’t let him play while he’s tied up

Some owners are afraid to let their dog go and allow it to play with loose canines. This is a mistake. A furry tied up will feel more insecure and less confident than a loose one.

You will be intimidated by the other who is not tied down and a fight could ensue. Therefore, either you do not let go and let him only play with leashed dogs, or you let him go after making sure that he is not in danger playing with others.

Take our bitch into heat

If you have a dog and she’s in heat, don’t take her to the park. An uncomfortable situation would be generated and if you let her go, she would most likely escape. Avoid problems before they happen.

Allow small dogs to play with large ones


Small dogs are sometimes viewed as prey by larger ones. Therefore, if you have a small dog, make sure that the big ones in the park are peaceful and playful.

If not, better go somewhere else or stay close to your dog on a leash.

Be aware of the mobile

Remember that a dog is like a child, that it cannot manage by itself and that it depends on us for everything. You also need surveillance, so being glued to your mobile while your dog is loose in the park is not a good idea.

It could generate a fight, or a getaway and not realize it, or perhaps do it when it is too late.

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