The Best Breeds Of Domestic Rabbits

Some rabbits like the harlequin are able to learn basic tricks and commands
The best breeds of domestic rabbits

Although pet stores do not usually have a wide variety of domestic rabbit breeds, the truth is that there are a large number of them. Knowing the most popular can be convenient to meet the expectations of future owners.

Sometimes, the choice of a rabbit as a pet comes to fill the role that a dog could have. The latter’s requirements imply time, space and, above all, constant attention that is often difficult to guarantee. Therefore, the option of buying a rabbit as the first pet is usually the most affordable alternative.

When you think about these animals, it is often mistakenly believed that they are all equally sociable and affectionate, and that they do not require as much care when it comes to hygiene. However, among the different breeds of domestic rabbits there is also a diversity of characters and specific care, hence the need to know them.

Breeds of domestic rabbits more demands

Although there are many more varieties, the following are the most popular domestic rabbits for their appearance and character:

  • Belier rabbit. The lop-eared rabbit, both in its miniature version and in its normal size, is one of the most popular. The main reason for its choice is its tender appearance, reminiscent of a lamb. This appearance is complemented by his calm and affectionate character, as well as intelligent and playful, and is that he can even learn basic tricks and commands. However, there are also cases of these rabbits that refuse to be caught despite their sociability.

Belier rabbit at home

  • Angora rabbit. Like the previous race, it stands out for its sociability and receptivity to humans. However, its long and fine coat requires much more dedication, as it tends to tangle easily. In addition, analogous to the behavior of felines, their tendency to lick themselves as a body cleanser increases the risk of vomiting hairballs.

Angora dwarf rabbit in the garden

  • Lion head rabbit. The most notable physical characteristic is its diversity of coat, especially long and bushy around the head. It has a more shy and introverted character than the other breeds of domestic rabbits, hence it is not the most recommended for children. When you feel insecure, you can adopt aggressive behavior as a defense.

    Lion head rabbit with a carrot

    • Flemish giant rabbit. Its greatest peculiarity is its large size, similar to that of a hare. This morphology means that it has a lower life expectancy than other rabbits, of approximately four years. It is a calm animal and can get used to the family environment, without implying constant affection, as they are not so friendly with humans.

    Flemish giant rabbit in the garden

    • Japanese harlequin rabbit.  He is one of the most intelligent and playful, able to learn basic commands with some ease. In addition, it is usually easily recognized by presenting a pattern with two or three colors as stripes that cross its body.

      Japanese Harlequin Rabbit

      Considerations before acquiring a rabbit

      To guarantee a satisfactory experience in terms of owning a rabbit as a pet, a series of previous aspects should be taken into account.

      • They are delicate animals. Most households that decide to buy a rabbit have one or more children, who are given the role of owners. But these animals, given their small size and their skittish nature, must be treated gently and calmly.
      • They require frequent hygiene. The fact that they do not have to be taken out to the street, or that they have their own washing habits through their licking, does not mean that they are undemanding animals in terms of the required cleaning. In fact, their urine gives off a stronger smell than that of other animals, so cleaning their cage should be regular and more so in summer.
      • They need space. Despite the fact that most of the time they are in large cages, they need open spaces for several hours a day. This is essential for the physical and mental health of the animal.

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