The Education Of The Devon Rex Cat

Encouraging the socialization of the Devon rex is key in their learning
The education of the Devon rex cat

Its characteristic coat, and its affable and dynamic attitude, are the attributes that best define the Devon rex breed, ideal for those who seek the complicity of dogs together with the distinctive independence of felines.

Appearance and perpetuation of the race

The origin of this breed dates back to 1960, the year in which a curly-haired bobcat from the county of Devon, England, mated with a tricolor female that gave birth to a curly-haired male.

The peculiarity of this cat was the presence of a recessive gene, responsible for the fact that after crossing with a Cornish rex cat with curly hair, and also a carrier of a recessive gene, a litter of smooth hair was born.

The biological explanation for this type of hair was due to the fact that both the recessive gene present in the Devon cat and that carried by the Cornish rex cat encoded for a smooth coat. Thus, in order to perpetuate the homozygous recessive genetic load present in these descendants, successive crosses were carried out between them, which generated the appearance of a fatal hereditary disease called spasticity .

A decade later, these cats were officially recognized as the Devon rex breed and, thanks to the selection effort made by their breeders, the disease that characterized it has been controlled.

Devon rex: characteristics

Characteristics, care and education of the Devon rex cat

The Devon rex cat stands out for its active and mischievous character. It is very sociable, even with other animals such as dogs and, therefore, prolonged solitude affects them considerably.

Due to their intelligence and the continuous affection they show their owners, they are usually easily educated to walk with harnesses or leashes in open spaces. In addition, they are also skilled at learning games such as catching and returning toys, or even memorizing commands as if it were a dog.

The key to their training is affection and patience, because despite their cunning and physical and mental agility, they still have part of the independent character that defines felines. For this reason, experts recommend promoting their socialization : you have to interact with visitors outside the family nucleus or, even, with other pets.

On the other hand, given their restless and playful nature, it is convenient to have gadgets such as trees or scratchers for cats that allow them to download the activity they demand.

Devon rex: care

When it comes to the necessary care, the coat of the Devon rex breed hardly requires brushing. In fact, this should only be carried out with rubber brushes that help remove dead hair in a very superficial way.

The high body perspiration of these cats produces an excess of fat that, if accumulated, could cause skin infections by fungi. Therefore, they must be washed frequently using special neutral gels. In addition, its tendency to produce earwax means a greater dedication both in frequency and in thoroughness when cleaning your ears.

Due to its dynamic and energetic nature, the Devon rex cat usually has a good appetite. Thus, the owners have to control both the portions and the type of feed: there are always those that have a higher protein percentage, which minimizes the risk of overweight.

Some of the indicators that can help confirm a good state of health are a weight between three and five kilograms, a lustrous coat that sheds evenly in spring and autumn and, above all, an active and sociable character.

The choice of this feline as a companion animal can be a wise option for those families with children who seek the affection of a dog together with the independence that characterizes cats. However, it will always be necessary to bear in mind the care in terms of coat, nutrition and company that this breed demands.

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