The Most Frequent Pet Accidents

The most frequent accidents in pets happen due to lack of knowledge or ignorance, but if we are prepared to face them, most of the time they will not go away.
The most frequent pet accidents

Having a pet can be like having a baby at home, since they are totally dependent on us and for which we must take precautions at home so that they do not suffer altercations. Even with all our effort, there are more frequent pet accidents than others, of which we want to talk to you today so that you can take the necessary measures to avoid them.

These are the most frequent pet accidents

Having a pet is a responsibility that goes beyond feeding it and giving it a roof. We have to meet all her emotional, physical and mental needs and, of course, protect her from something bad happening to her.

Accidents do happen, but most of the time they can be due to a lack of knowledge or caution. For this reason, we list the most frequent accidents in pets so that you put all the means to avoid them.


There is no doubt that poisoning is the most common of all pet accidents. Sometimes we forget that we have a new member at home and leave cleaning products on hand that can be very harmful to their health if ingested.

Your dog vomits or spits up

What happens if our pet ingests some of these products? There are experts who assure that vomiting is the option in some cases, but not in all it is beneficial  because, depending on the product ingested, passing it down the throat again could burn your esophagus or vocal cords.

One option would be to have activated charcoal at home to administer to our pet as soon as we realize that it has had contact with a toxic product.  This will only be a means to carry out to do a little time while we take our pet to the vet. This visit is a must when you have had contact with a chemical product and should under no circumstances be avoided.

Falls and accidents

Falls and run over are the most frequent causes of accidents in pets. When this happens, avoid moving your pet more than necessary and, of course, it goes without saying that you have to go to the vet right away. On the way, try to get someone to accompany you to immobilize the animal and let air enter the cabin so that it can breathe.

Run over by dogs


As with babies, especially puppies, we must cover plugs and collect cables  because electrocution is another of the most frequent accidents in pets that can even lead to death.

Dog bites cable

Stings, wounds, or bites

Our pets go outside and, therefore, are exposed to parasites, bites from other dogs or even injuries because they get caught on something. The best thing to do before going to the vet is to shave the area, clean it and disinfect it with hydrogen peroxide or betadine, which can be applied with a gauze or cotton swab.

Wounds in dogs


Although they are not the most common, fractures can happen, from a fall or from getting caught in a fence or any other place. In these cases it is essential that you do not move the animal too much and that you go to the vet as soon as possible to immobilize the area or do what is pertinent in each case.

Fracture in a dog

Ingestion of food

You already know that dogs are sometimes like vacuum cleaners and can eat anything anywhere, anytime. Well, if they have any food on hand that could harm them, such as chocolate or others, the most normal thing will be that they suffer from gastro-interitis that must be treated by professionals.

Give chocolate to a dog

Make sure your dog does not have access to food that could harm him and try to monitor him as much as possible so that he does not access other houses or places, such as garbage, where he could get them.

Don’t worry, any of the most frequent pet accidents usually have a solution if you act quickly. Never skip the urgent visit to the vet, even if it seems that everything is apparently fine.

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