The Red-eared Turtle, A Delicate Animal

The red-eared turtle, a delicate animal

The red-eared turtle is a land tortoise commonly used as a companion animal. Also called “Florida terrapin”, it takes its name from the curious red spots on both sides of its neck. However, this amphibian is an extremely delicate animal, and its life in captivity tends to be hard and short if care is not taken with its environment.

This species of turtle is small, although it can reach 20 centimeters in length, being mainly a diurnal animal that spends a lot of time in the water. Once it reaches maturity, the spots on both sides of its head disappear.

Special cares

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Having an exotic animal as a pet is not an easy task, unfortunately because of this many end up seriously ill or die due to carelessness by their caretakers or because they are eaten by other animals.

With this species of turtles , special attention must be paid to the care of the eyes, as they tend to become inflamed even if they live in a clean environment.

An optimal space for it to live will ensure that the turtle enjoys a good quality of life. Usually it is suggested to keep them in a wide space, where there is enough water so that the turtle can dive and dive. Something that should be watched with reptiles is the temperature of the water, and also that of the pond. Remember that too hot is just as bad as too cold. So you must ensure that the temperature never exceeds 25 ° and never falls below 18 °. Otherwise the turtle could get sick.

Something that you will have to get used to is to change the water in the pond frequently, you must also include a filter in the pond to prevent the accumulation of bacteria. Taking care of the quality of the water is essential for the health of your pet.

It is advisable to leave the pond in a place where it receives sun, in this way the turtle can regulate its body temperature, in addition to preventing fungi typical of very humid environments. The pond will need a good portion of soil, trunk or whatever allows your turtle to get out of the water for a moment and bask in the sun.


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Food is very important for turtles and their longevity will depend on it. In general, the diet of this class of animals is composed of animal protein and fruits and vegetables. However, your nutritional needs will change according to how old you are.

For example, a diet rich in protein is recommended for younger turtles, as this helps them to get stronger and grow. When they are adults, they demand a greater consumption of vegetables, since they obtain essential nutrients for their sustenance, focusing on those rich in calcium, as they strengthen their shell, and they are also easier to digest.

Try to give him a diet rich in vitamins, otherwise his shell and immune system may be weakened and he will be prone to infection or disease. A good way to know if a red-eared turtle is in poor condition is to observe the hardness of its shell, if it is soft or has cracks it is advisable to take them to the vet. Likewise if your eyelids become inflamed.

If you decide to feed your turtle with specialized gelatins, remember to alternate their diet with the consumption of other products, for example chicken is a good food option for them. Egg, liver, and greens (especially greens) are excellent nutritional supplements.

Young turtles will feed more frequently than older ones, in this way, while a specimen of a few months must feed every day, a two-year-old turtle will do so four or five times a week. Adult tortoises tend to eat very little, only once a week.

Keep in mind when acquiring any exotic animal to do so in a licensed place, avoid buying pets that have been victims of trafficking. Normally, the red-eared tortoises that are found in the market are raised in the countries where they are obtained. The processes of illegal animal trafficking cause serious damage to ecosystems, as well as the death of thousands of animals as a result of poor capture and transport practices.

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