The Steps To Get Your Dog To Come To Your Call

Steps to get your dog to come to your call

You want to go out with your dog and let him run free at a dog park, or swim at the beach or lake, but you are afraid he will run away and get lost. Here are seven simple tricks to make your dog come to your call.

Know what it’s called

Although it seems a bit obvious, this is a step that many (very many) dog sitters overlook:  the dog must know its name. Although you should not yell at yourself by shouting his name, it is essential that the dog is able to respond to the name you have given him.

Get him to focus on you

The main step for your dog to return to you is that he has confidence in you, therefore the main thing is that you can achieve a close relationship with him.

In order to get a bond with the dog, eye contact is important, as they interpret your body language, gestures and tone of voice, and a very important part of the gesture is in the gaze. By getting the dog to look at you, you are improving your communication with him considerably.

The main guideline to getting your dog to focus on you is to look him straight in the eye when you are talking to him, especially if you are talking while he is playing.

rescue a dog

Use food as a reward

Positive conditioning is very important during the dog’s education, therefore you should give it stimuli that it likes, especially edibles.

Edible treats tend to be more attractive than other stimuli, so they’ll be less tempted to go chasing something or run without being able to catch up with them.

Remember that these stimuli should disappear little by little as your dog learns, otherwise it will only come closer when you have a reward.

Go replacing food with caresses and attention;  There is nothing better for a dog than the care that its caregiver can provide.

When you have managed to get the dog to look at you and you have something that motivates him to come closer, you will be halfway so that your dog learns to come to your call.

Be patient, be consistent

With perseverance you can achieve any change in your pet, therefore it is an essential value when you try to make him learn something. Both rewarding him and reaffirming his trust in you are essential during this process.

One of the most common mistakes when training a pet is not offering the dog even a caress when he behaves well or does something you asked him to do.

Say his name

To get the dog’s attention, take advantage of when he is looking at you and say his name, offer him the prize the first few times, then he will start trying to get it and finally he will come just for the caresses.

Speak his name clearly and be forceful, but don’t yell at him; He will interpret this as if you are angry and will run away from you or get scared.

Accompany the call with gestures that allow your dog to identify what you want him to do, for example, pointing to the place where we want him to go.

dog person

Don’t lose your patience

Again, remember that he is learning, so it can happen frequently at first that he does not come to the first call. If you get angry and he can perceive it, you will make him nervous and this will be very unproductive for your purposes.

Keep in mind that you should not reward him if he does not attend or you should go looking for him, but yes, reward him when he does, even if it took a while.

Rehearse before you go out

Before putting your dog at risk, do a little rehearsal at home until he listens to you. Always keep in mind that you should not for any reason let go of your dog’s leash if he does not know how to return to the call.

Likewise, do not let it roam freely and only release it in spaces designed for this;  Even the best-behaved dogs can be tempted by something, scared, and end up lost or in an accident.

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