They Save A Pregnant Dog When She Was At The Limit Of Her Strength

They save a pregnant dog when she was at the limit of her strength

Construction began in the town of Voronezh. As in all constructions, hundreds of workers passed through the same place every day. The noises of the machines, the movements of materials and the shouts of the workers flood the environment.

We all dislike that there are buildings near our house, because those noises almost go crazy. The builders are not aware of anything that happens outside and are so used to the noise inside that they hardly hear it.

But in the case of residents of the town of Voronezh in Russia, they began to hear not only the noises coming from the construction, but also other noises close to it. What was it about?

Where does that noise come from?

dog with heart

This is what Voronezh residents began to wonder when they heard a strange noise that did not seem to be part of the construction scene. Some neighbors began to hear something, but they weren’t quite sure where it was coming from. At first, they did not give it importance, because they thought they were from construction.

But when more of Voronezh’s neighbors noticed them and started talking about those strange noises, they thought they should come over and see what they were all about.  As detectives in the investigation of a police case, Voronezh residents surrounded the building in small groups, putting their ears close to different parts such as the air, the ground and the walls.

It comes from here!

Those were the words that some neighbors shouted when they realized that those noises were coming from the ground. Afraid that someone would be under the slabs, Voronezh’s neighbors quickly went in search of crowbars, hammers and chisels that would allow them to lift the slabs.

The women stood by the slabs, talking to them as if there was a person inside them. But this time, there was no noise and there was no one to answer from underground. They were worried, what if someone was there but they couldn’t breathe anymore? And if it was a baby? Why are these men taking so long? They couldn’t stop asking themselves these and other questions.

Rescue comes

save with your dog

Here they come! Finally! In the distance the group of men could be seen running with tools in hand, ready to rescue whoever it was that was below. They quickly got down to work and began prying the slabs with the tools they had brought.

It was not as easy as it seemed. The slabs were well rooted, but with great force and a few minutes, the men managed to lift them. What was his surprise when he saw who was under there! She was a beautiful dog, with no apparent breed, who had been buried alive under those slabs. The residents of Voronezh could not get out of their amazement. They gently pulled the animal that was buried under sand and flagstones.

Their surprise was greater when when they took her out, they saw that the dog was pregnant! How could they get it in there without realizing it? Soon they went to ask the workers for explanations, who did not leave their astonishment either. 

They apologized for a thousand and said they never saw that pregnant dog around the building, much less buried under the ground. They were delighted that the animal was doing well and that her pregnancy was continuing apparently normally.

It is not known how long that animal was there. Nor why did she hide alone in the sand. Maybe it was because of the cold, or because of fear of something or someone, or maybe because of the pain of her pregnancy. The truth is that so that the Voronezh workers did not realize that she was there, it is because she was silent all the time.

Fortunately, everything was a scare and the Voronezh dog is safe and sound. The neighbors looked for a home for him, which we do not know if they have already found. We hope from the bottom of our hearts that it was so.

Here is the video of the rescue:

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