Tips For Chihuahua Health

The so-called fontanelle is one of the most fragile areas of Chihuahuas puppies
Tips for chihuahua health

Although small dogs are longer-lived than large ones, they usually need more care given their delicacy. In the case of the health of the Chihuahua, a miniature breed par excellence, there are a series of recommendations that can guide the newest owners.

Some Chihuahuas have difficulty gaining weight, and it is even around 1.5 kilos. The reason is that these dogs, like others of small stature, tend to be more reluctant to food, which increases their weakness.

In addition, this factor is joined by the small size of all their limbs and organs, making them especially fragile in rural settings or in the presence of young children.

Once these aspects are conceived, if you decide to adopt a dog of this breed, it will be necessary to precede the specific care of the puppy. In general, all dogs are more delicate in their early stages, but the health of the young Chihuahua is even more delicate.

The health of the chihuahua puppy

Here are a series of recommendations to create the optimal breeding and development environment for the Chihuahua:

  • Avoid noise. Rest is essential for every organism, but in the puppy phase it is crucial to ensure that sleep needs are met. In fact, as with babies, the first days of the animal will be limited to long naps.

Sleep is key to the health of the chihuahua puppy

  • Warm temp. Choosing a temperate space, out of drafts and with a certain natural light, is vital. Small dogs need constant heat, as they have more difficulty regulating their temperature until they reach a stage of greater development.
  • Avoid elevated surfaces. Chihuahuas puppies are very fragile, and even more so in those areas that are yet to be developed. An example is the so-called  fontanelle, between the cranial bones, whose primitive state will make it one of the soft parts most sensitive to falls or blows. Therefore, all types of surfaces located at a certain height from the ground, such as chairs or beds, should be avoided.
  • Maintain cleanliness. As in any puppy, apart from naps, unruly games will stand out. This activity, together with their unstable learning about their hygiene habits, will make order and cleanliness two fundamental aspects that must be guaranteed.

Basic care of the adult chihuahua

  • Moderate exercise. Once the Chihuahua has fully developed and has all its vaccinations, it must be taken for a walk. However, your walks should not last more than 30 minutes at a time, especially in months of severe temperatures. During winter, the animal should be provided with a comfortable coat, as these dogs are very prone to shivering.

    Coat for Chihuahuas

    • Adequate toilet. Ensuring proper cleaning is crucial in the health of the Chihuahua. Due to its small size, this breed has a greater tendency to get dirty on contact with the ground. In addition, their ears accumulate a large amount of earwax, which makes their regular hygiene essential. As far as the nails are concerned, the lack of wear with exercise implies a regular cut to avoid possible ingrownings.
    • Power. These dogs tend to be bad eaters, especially during the summer season. For this reason, many owners end up giving in and end up preparing homemade food. However, despite the fact that the latter can be nutritionally balanced, it is better to opt for specific diets for small breeds, as they have special formulations for them. You can opt for cans, whose creamy texture will be more attractive and easier to digest.
    • Check your anal glands. Chihuahuas have a special tendency to accumulate fluid in these small pockets located on both sides of the anus. Cleaning them is essential to avoid discomfort and infections. Symptoms that can help owners to realize the need for emptying are bad odors or intense local itching.

    Chihuahuas are delicate dogs, with a strong character and very selective when it comes to socializing with people and other animals. Therefore, before acquiring one, the owners must ensure that they meet the basic requirements for the well-being of both.

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