Tips For Restless Puppies: Rules Of Behavior

Tips for Restless Puppies: Behavior Rules

When we adopt a puppy, we do it because we love animals and we like to teach them from a young age, also because we enjoy all the stages of their life. But the truth is that puppies are usually very restless and want to explore the whole house, with the terrible consequences of breaking furniture, scratching armchairs or relieving themselves everywhere.

So even if they are very small to us, we must solve this by teaching them the rules that must be followed. But there are some puppies that, due to their breed or their way of being, are more restless and nervous than usual, so from Better with Pets we want to give you some simple advice for restless puppies and teach them some simple rules of behavior.

Take precautions against restless puppies

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If you have a restless puppy, the first thing you have to do is take various safety measures, so that it does not hurt itself, since until it learns the rules, our home can become a danger for it.

This also happens when there are small children at home, that everything can seem dangerous to us. It is very important that you are aware that nothing falls to the ground, especially small objects, such as nails, thumbtacks or pins, since dog puppies experience everything by putting any object in their mouth.

Safety measures with electrical objects, such as plugs, are also very important , since it can lick them. The same happens with the cables that are in sight, they are a center of attention for them and they can bite them, causing them to cramp.

All precautions are few and you must prevent as well as educate.

Socialize the puppy

The first thing your puppy has to learn, in addition to basic education, is to learn to be a sociable dog, he must get used to interacting with humans and with other dogs and animals. For this you can use games where you and other animals are involved. In this way you will also get it to vent and be calmer.

You must always make it clear that you are the head of the pack, the one who decides when the game starts and when it ends, in addition you set the rules and the way of the game. You can use different toys for the games, but you must not forget to collect them when the game ends, in this way you mark when it is played.

Never play games with him that enhance aggressiveness or fights, since as a puppy you can find it funny, but when they grow up it can become a real problem.

The puppy and the furniture

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We already know that puppies love to scratch and chew on furniture, so never allow him to get on the sofa or bed with you, because later you will not be able to stop him when he grows up or when he is full of mud and make it all dirty for you.

If he gets on the sofa or bed or we catch him biting a piece of furniture, we immediately have to say categorically “NO” and make him lower or remove him from the place, letting him know that this is not done. But for this we must catch him “red-handed”, because if he does it while we are not seeing him or we are not at home, it is useless to scold him, since he will not understand anything.

The bark

For a dog or puppy to bark is normal, since it is their way of expressing themselves, but there are times when the puppy’s barking becomes something out of place, it is okay for him to bark at a strange noise, at a sudden movement, but once you have warned, you must stop. To do this you have to let him bark, but if he is insistent you have to say “enough”, firmly, so that he stops barking.

There are also times when the puppy uses its bark to get attention or to ask for something. If he notices that by barking you take him out to the street, give him his favorite toy or one of his favorite cookies, he will use his barking as a claim to get what he wants.

Other tips

If we have a quite restless and restless puppy, we should not encourage that attitude, our position should be to calm it using different strategies. The game is very important to burn energy, also taking it for a walk.

Do not encourage him to be restless or nervous. There are also times when it is the owner who transmits the nervousness. If, in addition to all this, nervousness persists in our puppy, we can consult your veterinarian.

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