Tricks To Calm Nervous Cats

Tricks to calm nervous cats

Tranquility is defined as a state of stillness, calm, peace and harmony. Without a doubt, an ideal situation, which we all like to enjoy. However, unfortunately there are many reasons that end up preventing us from enjoying it. Work, financial concerns or family are just some of them.

One way to counteract this affection that many find is to share your life with a pet. When that puppy comes to our home we love to share our time with him, caress his back, hug him or play for a while. But it is possible that this initial situation will end up changing if we are faced with living with nervous cats. In this article we give you useful tips to calm them down.

What’s behind nervous cats?

jumping cat

As a general rule,  nervous cats are not usually a problem that we have to face frequently . In fact, it is an animal that usually adapts well to coexistence. Its independent nature is helps to achieve this. They decide when to be pampered and when to make their independent life.

In some cases, especially those who come home with several months or even years to live, they may be disturbed. If this happens we can face a serious problem that endangers the life together that we have started, mainly if they become aggressive.

We cannot ignore that certain changes in the animal’s routines can cause cats to show different behavior, which will be normal to continue for a few days. Although the natural thing is that once the adaptation period has passed, it returns to its usual character.

But whatever the reason behind our pet’s nervousness, we can remedy it. We show you some tricks to get it.

How to calm nervous cats

First of all we have to start by saying that although, behind nervous cats there may be an explanation, in other cases it will simply be part of their character. Even if this happens, we can reassure our pet to some extent. Don’t forget to always have realistic expectations and never expect your cat to be a haven of peace.

Let’s see how to make the situation improve.

Let’s not despair

As in any other tense situation, if we add more fuel to the fire, everything will get worse. In other words, if our cat’s nervousness leads us to feel upset, he will perceive it, so the situation will get worse. The more nervous we get, the more the animal will do it and when this happens, the worse we will be.

If this happens regularly, surely the situation will become unbearable and we can even rethink coexistence. Let’s not let things get to this extreme, so let’s stay calm even in the worst of times. So you can enjoy the many benefits that living with a pet brings.

Be careful with the kids

cat boy

When we have children at home we have to keep them away from nervous cats. Mainly because they could cause them some damage. But we cannot forget that children often do not measure situations and even wanting to play with them, they can alter them even more. Therefore, until the situation calms down, it is best to be careful and especially teach the child how to treat his pet so that their relationship is good.

Burn energy

Surely more than once you have noticed how practicing sports has helped you relax. Well, with nervous cats it is just as effective, so spend part of your time playing with him, doing physical exercise and, in general, doing any activity that allows him to expend part of that energy, which is likely to if it builds up, it can increase your nervousness.

Relaxing music

Although it may seem hard to believe, music helps calm nervous cats. Have you never heard the expression “music soothes the beasts”? Well, it’s very true, so let your pet enjoy relaxing melodies.

Consult with your vet

As with any other difficulties in raising a pet, it is helpful to consult with your veterinarian; in the case of nervous cats it is equally helpful. So do not hesitate to comment on what happens with him, he will surely give you practical advice.

We give you one last tip: be very patient and you will surely be able to control what happens to your friend.

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