What Should We Take Into Account When Putting A Second Dog In The House

For your pet to accept the presence of a second dog in your home, it is very important that they share qualities and that there is a positive connection between them. Here are some tips for you to find the ideal partner.
What should we take into account when putting a second dog at home

If the experience with your dog is more than rewarding, you may be thinking about introducing another member of the family. This is a situation that occurs very frequently, and for this you must consider a series of indications that will make your dog accept the new tenant in the best possible way.

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind if you are thinking of adopting a second dog.

Before introducing a new pet

First of all, it is very important that you make sure that you want to have a second animal at home. To make it easier for you, we recommend that you consider the following questions:

  • Do you have enough time to dedicate it to the new dog? This is a fundamental question, since for this new situation you must spend time with him so that he gets used to his new home and his companions.
  • He must also adapt to the routines that you impose on him, such as the theme of eating or relieving himself.
  • Can you financially afford it? The costs, such as vaccines or neutering, are not cheap, in addition to food and other care.
  • Is your dog sociable with other dogs? If your pet is normally aggressive with other animals, the ideal would be not to bring a new one at home. Keep in mind that each dog has its own personality, and you must know yours very well to know if it will be able to share its territory with another.
  • Who takes care of the dogs? This question is undoubtedly the most important. If you are a person who spends a lot of time outside or who likes to travel, you should leave your pets in the care of someone. If you are not able to find the right person or you cannot afford it, it is best not to have it.
  • Adult or puppy? Although in general you must follow the same procedure for either of the two cases, you must be clear if you want your new pet to be a puppy, a young dog or an adult.

Having a dog is a responsibility, and therefore take time to meditate on it in depth. It is not a decision you should make lightly.

Dogs lick each other


It is essential that you meet your own pet to find the ideal companion. Seeing how he relates to other dogs will give you a clue as to what personality he combines with his own. For example, if you introduce a nervous puppy or dog and your canine is calm and older, it is likely that he will suffer from stress.

To meet the new member of the family, the two must meet in a neutral and quiet area, outside their territory, such as a park. That is, where your furry does not feel that his space is threatened by someone new and unknown:

  • First, allow them to look at each other without actually making contact. Both must have their respective collars and be tied to their leashes.
  • Afterward, they can get a little closer so they naturally bond and smell each other. If all goes well, it’s time to let them go and let them play.
  • Meanwhile, your attitude should be relaxed and confident, paying attention at all times.

If there is any conflict, re-tie your dog and make him obey one of your orders until everything is back to normal. Then you can try again.

Remember that this moment should be as progressive and positive as possible. Don’t be in a hurry.

Inside the house

When you see that your dog accepts the new pet, then it is time to take them home. To do this, first let them interact a bit with each other before opening the door.

The veteran dog should be the first to enter so he does not feel the need to have to protect his territory. Once inside, your new pet will smell absolutely everything. This is normal and your dog will follow you everywhere observing your every step. Meanwhile, examine their behaviors and reactions.

Allow short but always positive interactions between them. Never try to force or pressure them to get along, it is essential that the entire procedure is calm to avoid future conflicts.

Therefore, you must teach them to eat in their own feeder and that each one sleeps in their bed. If later you see that they share any of their objects, it will be a good sign.

Group of dogs in the park

Other useful tips

By the time living together at home is established, there are some key points you will need to know:

  • When you have visitors at home, let them know to say hello to the veteran dog first. No matter how much they want to meet the new member of the family, there is a naturally established hierarchy among them that must be respected.
  • During the walks, try to take them out separately so that your new pet knows the area and gets used to your orders from scratch. You will be able to take them out together when you have achieved it.
  • Dogs learn from each other. So if your dog has a good behavior, it is very likely that the new one will also end up having it. However, the same is true in the opposite direction. If your dog is characterized by bad behavior, it is most likely that with the arrival of the new one this problem will double. So make sure your canine is obedient and sociable.

Love in duplicate

Finally, having several dogs at home, who are also educated and well trained, is a source of positive energy since they provide multiple benefits. And not just for you. A strong and sincere bond will be created between them.

Of course, you should give your first pet the same affection as the new one. Don’t forget about him or you will make him feel sad and displaced. That is why it is important that you spend the same time with both of them.

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