Why Do Cats Love To Throw Everything On The Ground?

Why do cats love to throw everything on the ground?

The sequence will surely be familiar to you if you live with one or more kittens. When everything seemed to be calm, suddenly your pet climbs on a piece of furniture in the house and begins to scatter the objects that are there. And it doesn’t stop until more than one ends up on the ground. But did you wonder why cats love to throw things on the floor ?

Looking for explanations to the feline habit of knocking down different objects

If you are an observer and have been lucky enough to share your home with felines for a long time, the answer that you will most likely choose is “because they feel like it”. And yes, our meowing friends have a well-earned reputation for going through life certain of what they want.

In addition, with that grace and natural dexterity that they possess, they cannot claim clumsiness as the cause of the various elements that are in front of their front legs falling.

However, beyond their great curiosity or that when kitties play running or chasing each other they usually leave nothing standing that gets in their way, what specific reasons can lead them to push until they fall or directly throw to the floor with a claw, something to which perhaps we had a certain affection and now it is torn to shreds on the floor?

The hunting instinct among the reasons that the kittens throw things to the ground

We can identify at least three reasons to explain why cats love to hurl different objects from the heights towards the ground.

A first interpretation is that these animals, when they hunt, play with their prey. If you’ve ever seen a pussycat catch a rodent or a bird, or even an insect, you will know what we mean.

Well, the same thing happens with the small elements in your furniture. If they consider it their “hunt”, they will hit it in different ways and will try to throw them with their paws several times in the air until well, maybe they fall.

Other reasons why cats love to throw various items on the ground

But the cat’s ability to “manipulate” these little elements can also be put to use if they are bored. And this matter of throwing things on the ground seems to be a good source of fun.

This usually happens if a kitten spends a lot of time alone, or if you can’t spend a good amount of time playing with him.

In these cases, a possible solution is to provide him with some safe toys to entertain him. Scratching posts, trees, or just a box are a good option too. Or, better yet, find him a feline playmate. Of course, nothing is a guarantee that you decide to continue throwing different things on the floor. And that maybe now he adds his new friend to duplicate the antics.

Throw it all on the floor, a way to get your attention

Another reason why these adorable felines can throw things on the floor is simply to get your attention.

That statement that cats are independent animals who want little to know about humans has little to do with reality. Those who live with kittens know how much they want and seek contact with their owners.

And, as they are also very intelligent beings, they have more than clear what to do to get you to notice them. An option to throw away an item. The safest thing is that you will soon be next to them to find out what has happened. You’ve seen? They achieved their goal in record time.

Understand cat nature

In any case, you should know that it will be useless to lose your cool, scold and, even less, hit a cat that has broken some element of the house.

What you have to try to do, in addition to taking things easy, is trying to understand feline nature. And, to the best of your ability, try to find a solution.

More attention, pampering and games will surely make your kitty forget, at least for a while, to tear down those little things that, perhaps, were important to you. But not as much as your pet, right?

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